How and why we were born
The BlossomingBooks brand name was born in 2012 and is owned by Edizioni Amrita, an established Italian publishing house that has been operating in its domestic market since 1986, which for the last few years has equally established a presence in several European countries, and is currently expanding further afield than Europe. Amrita’s paternity is clearly recognisable by the dandelion flower that appears in both brand names, and which is intended to establish a connection with an ancient form of meditation that can be traced back to the Essene tradition: this simple flower that grows everywhere and at all latitudes was actually the focus of the Essenes’ visualisations, through which the qualities that the planet was–and still is–mostly in need of, namely peace, tolerance, beauty, intelligence, unconditional love, and so forth, were mentally projected onto each of its small seeds. The visualisation would subsequently be ‘blown away’, and afterwards would resume as follows: the small seeds would come to surround the entire planet, each of them laden with positive, transformative qualities, to then descend down to where these qualities were mostly needed.
This symbol contains the whole raison d’être, the entire rationale that underlies this publishing house and its brand names: the brightly luminous seeds represent the thousands of teachings stemming from our planet’s multiplicity of spiritual traditions, and which are endowed with the ability to teach and engender those qualities that humankind is so desperately in need of at present. The task that is entrusted to this particular brand name consists of spreading these qualities by means of books and meetings, sounds and images, thus making as many options as possible available to genuine seekers of a spiritual path.
Originally conceived of as a form of voluntary work, the publishing house has grown rapidly, and this has forced its founders to abandon their previous occupations and to take on de facto the task of professional publishers.
Why are we called BlossomingBooks?
This name stems from our belief that, just like a blossom, humans have within themselves the potential to flower and illuminate the world through their inner richness and beauty.
The importance of quality
Just like the Amrita brand name, BlossomingBooks is renowned for the high quality of its publications, which are selected very carefully out of the thousand or more potentially confusing suggestions that arouse from all diverse contemporary trends.
Holistic publishing
BlossomingBooks loves to describe itself as a ‘holistic brand name’, in that the works that it offers its readership tend to reflect all dimensions of humankind.
In addition to the new titles that are being worked on, the catalogue already offers a number of works that fall within the often ‘inconvenient’ mystical category–which is part of most spiritual traditions of the Earth–and with a particular predilection for contemporary mystics.
Equal attention is devoted to the quality of our physical life, ranging from books on bio-architecture and Feng shui to complementary medicine and those branches of psychology–such as transpersonal psychology–which among other things take the spiritual dimension into account.
A growing collection of titles is exploring the interactions that link mystics’ discoveries with what science is rapidly validating within such discoveries, together with the practical repercussions that all this might have on our society in terms of both social, economic, and political spheres.
All other species that inhabit our planet are by no means overlooked: we are going to offer several books on the animal world, and even some titles devoted to the devas, i.e. those invisible forces that pervade the natural world, which are referred to by different traditions using various names: angels, elves, etcetera.
A sense of humour
If it is necessary for us to evolve both spiritually and materially, we do not have to do it in a grumpy and frowning way: among our offers you will come across some light-hearted and entertaining card games, yet by no means shallow, should we wish to make good use of them. These ‘games’ have noble origins: the Fairies’ Keys, for instance, is a game of behavioural re-alignment, which came into being courtesy of Assagioli’s transpersonal psychology…
Best selling and long-selling titles
BlossomingBooks will widely promote the spread of titles that are going to become–or that may already be in some countries–best selling or long-selling publications.
Tried and tested filtering skills
Our constantly expanding number of readers and booksellers would generally acknowledge that the mother-publishing house is endowed with good filtering skills, and therefore they have confidence in the editorial suggestions to be found in the catalogue. This shall remain our goal as we embark upon exporting this same model to all the locations where BlossomingBooks manages to extend its reach.
A planetary dimension
BlossomingBooks and its twin brand name Amrita are currently available in the following countries: Italy and the Italian-speaking part of Switzerland; France, Belgium, French-speaking Canada and Switzerland; Germany, Austria and German-speaking Switzerland; Spain, Mexico, as well as the United States.
Furthermore BlossomingBooks is currently engaged in an expansion drive across a number of other countries.